Scintillating shooting experience with the Samsung NX11 | The Urban Wire

The NX11 is a great alternative for people who wants to enjoy great image quality of DSLRs, but does not appreciate the weight and the size of the modern DSLRs. A lot of people mistake NX11 for a micro-four-third. In fact, the camera is a mirror-less body featuring an APS-C sensor, which in a way, is the same size and quality of most DSLR cameras in the market. …

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Samsung PL210 Review | Steves DigiCams

Point-and-shoot cameras aren’t known for high caliber zooming capabilities, but Samsung is announcing two new pocket-sized cameras aimed at customers who love capture images from afar. The cheaper of the two, the sub-$200 PL210, features a 14-megapixel image sensor behind a 10x optical zoom (35mm film equivalent: 27-270mm) lens.

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Review: Samsung SMX-F50 Standard Definition SD Camcorder | Canadian Reviewer

Are we at the end of the age of the standalone camcorder? The recent demise of the Flip video camera and the improving HD video recording capability of smartphones and even tablets, it might be hard to convince casual users to spend money one standalone camcorders. For users who need great zoom capabilities, better battery life …

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